Sunday 14 December 2014


All these years we have been taught that life becomes complete when it is filled with the elements of health, wealth, peace, love, affection and prosperity and each one of us is entitled to such a complete life. 

The way we live our life, we think and act are said to be influenced by the elements of nature. It is believed that the place we reside in also influences our life. India in the richness of its culture and tradition has some helpful tips to share with us on how we can design our homes or any kind of building for that matter. It lies in the basic principle that for man to get the maximum benefits of life’s energy giving sources, he must keep his bodily placement in balance with nature. The guiding principles are embodied in the ancient tradition known as Vastu Shastra.

Vastu Shastra is known as the science of good construction and architecture that combines all the five elements of nature and balances them with man and materials. It is a study of basic concept of living or building a home, office, or any other place that is used for any purpose. Vastu means ‘dwelling’ and Shastra means ‘science’.

According to the science of Vastu Shastra, the world is made of elements like earth, air, water, space and fire. These 5 elements are necessary to be in harmony to have a peaceful life. If there is harmony between these five elements, the people living in the house will enjoy health, wealth, good relationship and prosperity. These 5 elements are sources of natural power:

Sky (aakash) represents space, endless and infinite that holds an unimaginable power. Space has a very important place in our lives and Vastu gives different directions for better space. Indian houses used to have open space in the centre of the house. It is also called universe which is known as ‘Brahamand’- the place of god. 

Air (vayu) is the gasses biologically needed by all living things on earth whether for subsistence or for ecological balance. There are important directions for windows and doors in Vastu so as to receive a good amount of air.

Water (jal) is present on earth in the form of rain, ocean, sea and rivers. It is the second foremost element considered in Vastu. Vastu provides proper directions for the placement of water sources.

Earth (prithvi) is the most important element in Vastu and influence human lives in every way.  It is necessary to inspect the land you are purchasing, as plot’s soil, area everything matters in Vastu. The selection of site is considered very important in Vastu element.

Fire (agni) Sun is the bearer of fire and the main source of life on earth. It plays an important part in vastu shastra since it is worshipped as the personification of God being the potential source of creation. Light is the essence of life, and sun is the natural light giver. Fire is the basis of all sources of energy including thermal power and atomic power.

The principles laid down in Vastu Shastra were formulated keeping in view, the cosmic influence of the Sun, its light and heat, solar energy, directions of wind, the moon position, the earth's magnetic field and the influence of cosmos on our planet. The system is an admixture of science of directions, astronomy and astrology. 

How to use this science effectively is what we will share with you all in our next article soon.

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